Challenger School

Apple Cinnamon Fruit Leather


Fresh autumn apples, warm cinnamon spice and the natural sweetness of Medjool dates are all it takes to make these simple, natural fruit snacks. Snacking is a great way to add a variety of healthy plant foods to your diet, throughout the day. These fruit leathers are rich in fiber and contain quercetin, a flavonoid with anti-inflammatory properties.


5 medium apples, chopped
1 – 2 cup water
1 large date, pitted
1 tsp cinnamon

Makes 12 servings.
Per Serving: 45 calories, 0 g fat, 12 g carbohydrate, 0 g protein, 2 g dietary fiber, 0 mg sodium.
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 3 hours


Place chopped apples in a medium saucepan with water. Bring to a simmer, cover and cook for about 10 minutes.
Add pitted date and cinnamon and mash. Cover and cook another 2-3 minutes on low heat.
Put mixture into a blender or food processor and process until smooth.
Pour onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or a non-stick baking mat and spread with a spatula into a thin layer.

Bake at 175-200° (as low as your oven will go) for 2-3 hours or until it’s tacky but doesn’t stick to your finger.
*For a tasty and unique alternative, replace the apples with pears and the cinnamon with cardamom.


About author

Sonja Goedkoop, MSPH, RD

Sonja Goedkoop, MSPH, RD

Sonja Goedkoop, MSPH, RD, is a registered dietitian at Zesty, Inc. She is passionate about helping others improve their health through diet and physical activity and believes eating nutritious food should be easy and taste great.

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