10 Tips to Safeguard Your Kids’ Toys Against Hackers
Long gone are the days when the biggest worry about ripping open a new electronic toy for the holidays is ... -
Pediatricians Change Recommendations for Children’s Use of Media
American Academy of Pediatrics launches an interactive media use planning tool to help families balance digital and real life. Recognizing ... -
Keep Your Kids Safe from Cybrerbullying
Expert Offers Advice During ‘National Bullying Prevention Month’ As “National Bullying Prevention Month” kicks off this month, schools and organizations ... -
Help Your Kids Avoid a Tech Pain in the Neck
10 Tips to Avoid Tech-Related Injuries It’s no surprise that children are spending more time than ever glued to smart ... -
App Aims To Help Families Manage Asthma
Very early on in her life, 3-year-old Karma Taylor found herself frequently in the Emergency Department in the middle of ... -
Summertime Often Leads To Excess Screen Time For Children
Expert offers tips to help find balance between the time kids spend online and outside One of the joys of ... -
Warning Labels Prevent Digital Addiction?
Warning labels and messages should be introduced on digital devices to encourage responsible usage and prevent digital addiction, according to ... -
Red Cross Monster Guard App Uses Gaming to Teach Children about Disasters
A newly released version of the American Red Cross Monster Guard App: Prepare for Emergencies can help save lives through ... -
Educational App or Digital Candy? Helping Parents Choose Quality Apps for Kids
There are now over 80,000 apps marketed as “educational” in the Apple app store, the majority of which are targeted ... -
A New Threat to Children’s Online Privacy — Oversharing Parents
Most parents go to great lengths to keep their children safe online—but what if parents themselves, through the simple act ...