Calling all kids! Children in kindergarten through the sixth grade are invited to enter the Ogden Nature Center’s annual Earth Day Art Poster Contest. There is no entry fee. This year’s theme is “I Need Nature, and Nature Needs Me.” This is a fun opportunity to show your love of nature and the environment through art. All entries will be exhibited in the L.S. Peery Education Building at the Ogden Nature Center starting on Earth Day, April 16, through May 14, 2016. Prizes will be awarded.
• Entries must be 9” x 12” with the theme “I Need Nature, and Nature Needs Me.”
• Please do not glue anything onto your project.
• On the back, please include your name (first and last), school, grade (k-6), teacher, home phone number, email address if you have one, and artwork title.
• Entries must be received at the Ogden Nature Center, 966 W. 12th Street, Ogden, UT 84404 no later than 4:00 p.m. Saturday, April 2, 2016.
• Late entries may not be judged.
• There is no fee to enter.
If your entire class enters artwork in the Ogden Nature Center’s Earth Day Art Poster Contest, your class will be entered in a drawing to receive one of three free wildlife presentations – at your school, in your classroom! The wildlife education specialist brings live animals such as owls, hawks, tortoises and snakes into your classroom and teaches the scientific importance of native animals in our ecosystems and respect for living creatures and their habitats.
When you turn in your student’s artwork, please include the following information: teacher name, grade, school, phone, email address, school address.
Entries will not be returned but may be picked up May 16-21. After May 21, contest entries will become property of the Ogden Nature Center.
Prizes will be awarded to three winners in each grade, with one grand prize per grade. The winners will be invited to an awards program on Earth Day, April 16, at 11 a.m. Teachers who work on this project with their class and submit entries from their entire class, will be entered in a drawing to win a free wildlife presentation in the classroom!
The contest is sponsored by Ogden City Arts/Ogden City Corporation, Westinghouse, Elliott-Hall Company and Orbital ATK.
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