Challenger School

Hogle Zoo Announces Early Intervention Class Series

Register online at least one week in advance of each class

Presented in partnership with DDI Vantage, “Zoo Just for Little You” is designed for early learners with disabilities who are working on developmentally appropriate preschool milestones. Classes will be taught on four subsequent Saturdays in September (after Labor Day). In addition to verbal, nonverbal, and fine- and gross-motor skills, each class will focus on a different life skill. For example, learn how animals eat and move, and how keepers care for the animals through their hygiene and veterinarian visits. Children and parents can then take this information and work to implement it at home—perhaps by having your picky eater “pretend to be a zebra” and to eat their vegetables, or to “brush teeth like a seal.”

Class schedule for the month:

Saturday, September 9: The Rhinos Go Marching One by One

The rhinos go marching one by one! Hurrah! Hurrah! Get on the move with the Zoo animals and learn how you can exercise like an animal at home! Class includes stories, animal ambassadors, interactive play and a guided short visit in the Zoo for the child and an accompanying adult.

Saturday, September 16: On Top of Spaghetti

Do bears eat spaghetti? Maybe not, but they do love to munch just about everything else. You won’t believe what Zoo animals eat! Some love leafy green salad, and others only eat juicy meat, and others eat just about anything. Find out how you can eat like different animals through stories, animal ambassadors, interactive play and a guided short visit in the Zoo for the child and an accompanying adult. *Food will not be served in this class.

Saturday, September 23: Rub-a-dub-dub!

Rub-a-dub-dub, two elephants in the bathtub! Find out how animals keep their paws and teeth clean by doing many of the same things you do at home. Class includes stories, animal ambassadors, interactive play and a guided short visit in the Zoo for the child and an accompanying adult.

Saturday, September 30: Put Your Right Hand In

The gorilla puts her right hand in…and lets the doctor take her pulse! Animals at the Zoo go to the doctor, just like you! They have checkups and take medicine, just like you! See how keepers and veterinarians care for Zoo animals when they are ill. Class includes stories, animal ambassadors, interactive play and a guided short visit in the Zoo for the child and an accompanying adult.

Classes run from 10-11 a.m. on each Saturday in September (starting after Labor Day). Cost is $10 per session, and includes an accompanying adult. Register online at All students must be registered online at least one week in advance of each class.


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